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Tami’s Lunch Bunch – Salida


220 W. Sackett Ave.
Salida, CO 81201 United States


Wednesday | 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM


Shannon Pursley 303-594-6249

For Questions Email


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220 W. Sackett Ave.
Salida, CO 81201 United States


Wednesday | 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM


Shannon Pursley 303-594-6249

For Questions Email


Please RSVP no later than September 1.

We are excited to announce that Tami’s Lunch Bunches will be in person this year!

Tami will be traveling around the state and hosting a series of 10 regional lunch and learn programs. The training and discussion, The Lunch Bunch: Magic 8-Ball Version, will include an interactive exploration of risk management threats and opportunities on the horizon for CIRSA members. The more we can tap into your thoughts, concerns, and ideas, the less we’ll have to rely on the Magic 8-Ball for answers!

Attendees will receive points toward their Loss Control Audit Score and can use the CIRSA Travel Reimbursement Program to pay for travel expenses.  All employees and elected officials are welcome and encouraged to attend.  In addition to the topic presented, please feel free to bring any other items of discussion or questions you have for Tami and other CIRSA staff present. If you’re unable to attend the lunch scheduled in your area, feel free to attend any of the other locations.

If you have any questions, please contact Courtney Fagan.

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